
How does a bulletproof shield resist rifle bullets?

The damage caused by bullets is physical damage, and shields are developed by people to resist this damage. At present, there is an explosion-proof shield in the world, so can it withstand the bullets of rifles? Hanging, such a big body is difficult to suppress this small warhead.

The shield needs to be thick enough to withstand bullets. However, the use of heavy shields in war is very inconvenient, and seriously affects soldiers’ tactical actions. Therefore, the choice of materials becomes very important, and the materials of the explosion-proof shields are light materials such as polycarbonate, glass fiber reinforced plastic, and pc, which can block the bullets of rifles, but the thickness must be enough. The modern police explosion-proof shield is usually used to resist explosive fragments and small-caliber handguns. If it is used by police, it is more than enough. But facing the bullet of a rifle, it can’t be resisted without increasing its thickness.

Bulletproof shield

We can look at the data specifically, such as ak47, which shoots at a distance of 150 meters and penetrates the steel plate with a thickness of 6mm. As we all know, AK47’s penetrating power is not very good. If we change a gun with stronger penetrating power, such as the 56-type semi-automatic rifle, it can penetrate the steel plate with a thickness of 6mm at a distance of 300 meters. Of course, we are not considering special circumstances, such as super-long distance shooting. After all, the penetrating power of bullets has a certain relationship with distance. We are considering the normal situation, and in this normal situation, if the explosion-proof shield for police can’t block it at all, and if we want to block the bullet of 7.62, we can only choose to increase the thickness or replace it with better material, and some explosion-proof shields used by some anti-terrorist forces can block it.


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